1. Semantic Search Capability
With the inno360 platform, you don’t have to be a search expert to find the information or insights you are looking for. Whether you have a specific idea in mind or want to look at a general topic area, the search tool’s semantic nature ensures you will find the most relevant, rather than the most popular, results available. In the case that you don’t know exactly what you are looking for, you can cut and paste an entire technical brief, patent, etc. into the search tool and it will create a series of Boolean substring searches and come back with results based on contextual relevance that you may have missed previously. In addition to expanding the reach of your search capability, inno360’s platform dramatically reduces time spent on initial research.
2. Dynamic Visualizations
In terms of ideation and idea refinement and networking, the inno360 platform helps to automate the innovation process by providing optimal means of visualizing content. These visualization tools allow you synthesize and analyze large data sets so you can quickly sift through and drill down in a meaningful way that will provide you with analytics and intelligence. In essence, the way the data is organized through the visualizations displays the content in different contexts, providing you with actionable insights. Furthermore, the algorithms in the search function dynamically create structures and substructures in each search area and align the results based on probability of potential adjacency
3. Outreach Strategies
The inno360 platform has best practice templates and workflows you can use to develop an outreach campaign targeted towards your desired outcome, whether it be a crowdsourcing challenge, request for proposal, or any other type of collaboration request. Depending on your goals, the platform will generate a template message with a series of relevant questions to help you get the best response possible from your outreach efforts. Your outreach can be engaged with via internal and public-facing portals, thus increasing exposure to potential collaborators.
4. Collaborative Evaluation/Vetting Management
Within the inno360 platform, you have the ability to invite internal colleagues, experts and any other relevant personnel to participate in the vetting and evaluation of your landscape, ecosystems and outreach campaigns. Using social media capabilities and other quality measures, the platform enables you to quickly get through to the final selection.
5. Content Management
Finally, the inno360 platform allows you to easily organize and manage all parts of your innovation process from start to finish. From research done during ideation to responses from various global outreach campaigns, the platform has flexible project folders and management capabilities to keep track of all relevant information within a safe and secure environment. To learn more about inno360’s open innovation management platform, watch this brief introductory video. Feel free to contact us with any questions.